Pray for Japan
I have to share the miraculuos story of my performance in Bhakti concert. Its one of those WOW moments in my life and I pledge to pen it down but right now the idea is not clicking.
Japan's tragedy is really sad and heart rendering. Just to imagine the plight of people there makes me shudder. We cannot overrule nature's Law but can pray that may they get the strength to cope up with this calamity.
Once someone asked me that if Everything that happens is God's will then is this what God wants? Mass killing and destruction?
Thats one way to look at it. The other way is that for transformation, destruction is inevitable. I know it sounds philosophical BUT this is the truth.
One can see it as destruction or as renewal. Yes, I'm not the one suffering currrently and so these things may seem nonsensical but still I belivee in it. Even if I put myself in their shoes, I know the experience would be terrible and devastating but do you have a choice except to accept it?
There have been cases where people have been miraculously saved. I personally know a couple who were in Goa when Tsunami striked and they had lost all hope of coming back alive. And now since they are back in one piece, there faith in God has increased tremendously. They value their life more and find more meaning in it :)
I pray with all my heart for people in Japan. And request others also to pray.
Japan's tragedy is really sad and heart rendering. Just to imagine the plight of people there makes me shudder. We cannot overrule nature's Law but can pray that may they get the strength to cope up with this calamity.
Once someone asked me that if Everything that happens is God's will then is this what God wants? Mass killing and destruction?
Thats one way to look at it. The other way is that for transformation, destruction is inevitable. I know it sounds philosophical BUT this is the truth.
One can see it as destruction or as renewal. Yes, I'm not the one suffering currrently and so these things may seem nonsensical but still I belivee in it. Even if I put myself in their shoes, I know the experience would be terrible and devastating but do you have a choice except to accept it?
There have been cases where people have been miraculously saved. I personally know a couple who were in Goa when Tsunami striked and they had lost all hope of coming back alive. And now since they are back in one piece, there faith in God has increased tremendously. They value their life more and find more meaning in it :)
I pray with all my heart for people in Japan. And request others also to pray.
Loka samasta sukhino bhavantu. Om shanti shanti shanti
Keep Smiling and pray for others smiles too :)
Pray for Japan
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, March 14, 2011
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