What's Happening!
My blog has become a place where I find solace. Whenever things are getting on to me, I tend to isolate myself and plunge into writing. And while doing that, I feel as if I’m talking to my best friend who understands me and just let me be what I am!
It’s been 2 months I’ve been teaching in Presidium School. I teach English to IIIrd class. (Whoever I meet these days, I say “I’ve become IIIrd class”;). From doing BBS and joining line HR, then moving into a consulting role to working in coaching institutes as a faculty and center Manager, taking up few freelance Projects and now a school teacher job! I’m clearly a living example of Diversity! :D
Some may say I don’t have a career focus but that’s not the case. I’m very well clear on what I want to do in life and I’m very well doing it as wellJ. Professionally, I don’t regret any decision I took. The decisions had been the best one at that time and place. I’m very clear on not taking up any Gurgaon / Noida job. School teaching I took up to do justice to my B.ed degree: D The school is very near to my place, it’s a day job and to top it all, I am with the kids all the while. Having taught as a faculty to 12th pass and graduates, I could never imagine myself teaching kids! I had no idea how do you manage them, how do they understand things but believe me, today I would give myself good points as their teacherJ. I enjoy their company, their innocence as well as nonsense ;) And same is the case with them! hahahhahhahha
I attended Dinesh Bhaiya’s YES!+ in Gurgaon for 2 days. I wish I could have attended it in full but couldn’t make it. But even going for those 2 days was a BIG challenge in which I succeeded. Getting up at 5 am and coming back at 3 pm from job, then leaving at around 4 pm for Gurgaon and coming back at 12 midnight wasn’t easy! I wasn’t keeping well too. These 2 days I realized the tendency of my mind. I gave myself many good reasons why not to go. But one realization that I was being lazy and not giving my full effort used to push aside everything else.
I was clear on 1 thing – I would go as a repeater and not as a volunteer. And somehow if you’ve been volunteering for a while at the unconscious level you may have some ego. It may not be apparent but gets onto the surface when somebody treats you as a participantJ. Well, by grace that isn’t the case with me. I definitely have some ego but when I am a participant in any course or activity, I completely shed off the volunteer label. So when I went, I did everything that was being done. I might have attended close to 10-12 YES!+ workshops and knew what was happening or what was going to happen but I participated 100%, acting as if this was my first time and avoided giving gyaan , unlike many ;)
I had immense learning. Dinesh Bhaiya is class apart. He is an epitome of love, sincerity and a living example of knowledge. He speaks less and smiles more. And his awareness is unmatched and unfazed J This YES!+ was very different from what I’ve attended so far. I was all ears and all eyes all the while :)
Every time I meet Dinesh Bhaiya, I’m reminded of how presence can speak a zillion more than words :)
One of my very good friends is getting married and we friends are to prepare a dance for the ceremony. The rest of the friends have taken up 2 classes but I haven’t been to even 1 L At times I feel am I neglecting my friends?? Has AOL activities become the focal aim in my life?? The best part is that the answers also come from where the questions are raised. Yes, I devote a lot of time in doing sewa but I’ve NEVER ignored any other task or anyone. Infact, the day of the engagement in June, I was planning to go for YES!+ advance in Bangalore but I cancelled it ‘coz at that point in time, being a part of my friend’s happiness was important. Many ridiculed but I was firm. Even for the dance class, I’m not able to make it as it’s been kept at 8 pm at a place 20 -25 minutes away from my place and half of the time, practice gets cancelled. I’m not trying to justify myself. I will definitely work on going to the dance class.
The only point I’m trying to make is that understanding has to be mutual and any person needs to be given benefit of doubt. I’m pretty excited about marriage! The only hitch is that I would have to spend money and time in buying new clothes L
Last but the best part to share J I lead my life according to what I’m able to comprehend as right or wrong for me. I believe in destiny – whatever happens is something that was written earlier but Guruji says to take past as destiny and future as freewill. So I make some choices. They may not work, may cause some trouble time but again I’m reminded of “Short term pain and long term gain” :)
It’s so interesting to watch the tussle between head and heart. Heart wants someone to be a part of life but head stops as it knows it isn’t good and will eventually make you miserable. Heart is short sighted; it looks for immediate results and lives in a fantasy world. The head is more mature and has a practical outlook. Yes, head may become too apathetic at times and heart may become too sympathetic ;)
May be there’s a mid way. Listen to your heart but take decisions from the head. It is tuff..rather very tuff…but may be that’s the Art Of Living :)
More to share, next post soon!
Keep Smiling J
What's Happening!
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, October 27, 2011
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