Piece of Mind v/s Peace of Mind
peace of mind is of utmost importance. Actually that’s the crux of
spirituality. When the mind is calm and peaceful, it is automatically in
the present moment. My few years in the spiritual endeavor have made me
realize this. No accomplishment, no achievement matters. What matters is how well
one is able to handle own mind.
Basis my experience, I’ve come up with few things which can help to save one’s own mind from going on a trip. The sign of a calm and peaceful mind is the awareness with a smile . A mind devoid of any negative distortions. It isn’t that the equanimity can be maintained all times but below listed ideas can help in easily letting go things and come back to that state :)
If you are achievement oriented, this is bound to happen. In this world of 6 billion + people, there will be people undoubtedly more talented than us as well as some from whom we are better. Actually this whole exercise of comparison is futile but alas! it does happen. To me personally, what helped were the sayings of Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) – praise people. When you praise them, that very quality starts manifesting in you. And expand your belongingness. We are never jealous of success of our family members. So if we take these “others” as part of us, our one big family, negative distortions will drop. Vasudev Kutumbakam :)
Things can’t always go the way you want. Even if they go, you’ll be getting in a bigger trap! ;) I myself am a perfectionist and like things to be organized and managed well. By dropping perfection, I don’t mean drop the efforts. One should always strive for the best but at the same time leave space for imperfections. Guruji says perfection in action is never possible. What can be perfect are the feelings and the intention :)
4 # Allow failures:
Often one tends to lose of mind in the anxiety for the future. What if it doesn’t work? What if things go awry? And so on. Give yourself a chance to fail. Not to say that you should fail but any failure is a stepping stone. It teaches us some valuable lesson. The apprehension for the future doesn’t let us give our best shot. In Bhagwad Geeta also it is said, all that is in our hands is efforts and not results. Now this should not be interpreted it as being passive. With an attitude of “So what!” the failures can be dealt with a smile :)
This diversity is not in context of cultures but perception, attitude and behaviors. Since each of is unique, our way of understanding, acting is also different. Same thing, same knowledge can be interpreted in 10 different ways. Our mind, at times get irritated when people don’t get it right or the mind seems to start raising question s on the intellectual ability of people :D How can one not understand? How can one do this? And so on. Accept that despite your best efforts, people may not behave in the desired manner. Again, it’s an alarm not to lose your peace of mind in the whole process. Enjoy the difference but yes, do keep making efforts time and again :)
It’s good to work under pressure. At times, it brings out the best in us. However, a constant effort to live up to others expectations is a pain. Then the mind hankers on the results. Even if one has to live up to someone’s expectations, it should be for a person who wants your growth and well being, not for someone who treats you as a machine. In the whole process of future joy, don’t forget to enjoy the present :)
All said and done, whatever I’ve said above, I feel most of it I owe to Art of Living. May be I’ve just rephrased the knowledge according to my own personal experiences. All these tips would have seemed bookish had Art of Living not helped me practically experience it in my life. And it’s a continuous journey. No wonder how simple these may seem to read, till today, I’m still learning to get better and better..I've written this posts more for myself to remind myself again and again ..peace of mind..peace of mind..peace of mind :)
Basis my experience, I’ve come up with few things which can help to save one’s own mind from going on a trip. The sign of a calm and peaceful mind is the awareness with a smile . A mind devoid of any negative distortions. It isn’t that the equanimity can be maintained all times but below listed ideas can help in easily letting go things and come back to that state :)
Tip 1# Don’t compare yourself
If you are achievement oriented, this is bound to happen. In this world of 6 billion + people, there will be people undoubtedly more talented than us as well as some from whom we are better. Actually this whole exercise of comparison is futile but alas! it does happen. To me personally, what helped were the sayings of Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) – praise people. When you praise them, that very quality starts manifesting in you. And expand your belongingness. We are never jealous of success of our family members. So if we take these “others” as part of us, our one big family, negative distortions will drop. Vasudev Kutumbakam :)
Tip 2 # Drop the Perfection Mode
Things can’t always go the way you want. Even if they go, you’ll be getting in a bigger trap! ;) I myself am a perfectionist and like things to be organized and managed well. By dropping perfection, I don’t mean drop the efforts. One should always strive for the best but at the same time leave space for imperfections. Guruji says perfection in action is never possible. What can be perfect are the feelings and the intention :)
3 # : Find the unique “you”
Each of us is no doubt different
but also unique. What Swati can do and in the manner she can do no one else can. We
need to discover the uniqueness in us..what makes us special and outstanding. If
one can identify his/her talents and skills, it will bring in immense self
confidence. Often we doubt our capabilities. Pamper you own self and do special
things for yourself too. I love self pampering!
Often one tends to lose of mind in the anxiety for the future. What if it doesn’t work? What if things go awry? And so on. Give yourself a chance to fail. Not to say that you should fail but any failure is a stepping stone. It teaches us some valuable lesson. The apprehension for the future doesn’t let us give our best shot. In Bhagwad Geeta also it is said, all that is in our hands is efforts and not results. Now this should not be interpreted it as being passive. With an attitude of “So what!” the failures can be dealt with a smile :)
5 # Be Natural:
“I am what I am” It’s one of the coolest
lines I’ve heard. One thing we have to accept - we CAN'T please everyone.
Keeping everyone happy is next to impossible. And no matter what you do, some
will always find faults and something to comment upon. So might as well be what
you want to me. Peace of mind is lost in trying to be how people expect us to
be. I’m not advocating complete independence in behavior. Yes, certain norms
need to be followed. Like in a meeting, you can’t just get up and start singing
a song! :D But in the day to day life, don’t run after doing what others do. Be
at ease. Some people will like you, some won’t. So wha
6 #: Embrace diversity:
This diversity is not in context of cultures but perception, attitude and behaviors. Since each of is unique, our way of understanding, acting is also different. Same thing, same knowledge can be interpreted in 10 different ways. Our mind, at times get irritated when people don’t get it right or the mind seems to start raising question s on the intellectual ability of people :D How can one not understand? How can one do this? And so on. Accept that despite your best efforts, people may not behave in the desired manner. Again, it’s an alarm not to lose your peace of mind in the whole process. Enjoy the difference but yes, do keep making efforts time and again :)
7 #: Don’t pressurize yourself
It’s good to work under pressure. At times, it brings out the best in us. However, a constant effort to live up to others expectations is a pain. Then the mind hankers on the results. Even if one has to live up to someone’s expectations, it should be for a person who wants your growth and well being, not for someone who treats you as a machine. In the whole process of future joy, don’t forget to enjoy the present :)
8 #: Meditate:
This is the MOST IMPORTANT. All the
above tips will seem feasible and easy to achieve through this ONLY! I think
this should have been the only tip but you know I had to write something to
create an atmosphere ;) Meditation is the best medicine for peace of mind. To
explain meditation in simple words – shutting away from the world and spending
few minutes with your own SELF. It’s like charging your batteries daily. A
laptop, a phone everything needs charging. Meditation provides that energy to the
mind to take on challenges and sail through.
All said and done, whatever I’ve said above, I feel most of it I owe to Art of Living. May be I’ve just rephrased the knowledge according to my own personal experiences. All these tips would have seemed bookish had Art of Living not helped me practically experience it in my life. And it’s a continuous journey. No wonder how simple these may seem to read, till today, I’m still learning to get better and better..I've written this posts more for myself to remind myself again and again ..peace of mind..peace of mind..peace of mind :)
Keep Smiling :)
Piece of Mind v/s Peace of Mind
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, August 27, 2012

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