Reflection 2012

Tomorrow is 12th December 2012. Apparently, the day when the world is going to end. Well, master has said nothing of such sort will happen. But still giving due respect to this day, tonight I want to reflect back on the year that is passing by.

Year 2012 has been a year of growth. I would say a year when I really started understanding myself better and so much more clearly. My thoughts, strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, what I want in life, what I don't want in life...all became more translucent. This year, like every other year, has been beautiful. I have no regrets or discontentment. Many things happened. Many did not. Some people came into my life. Some went by J

2012 has been a year of tough decisions – full of ups and downs. I am thankful to each and everyone who has been a part of my life this year. Some taught me what to do while from others I learnt what not to do! J The year started with me being in Bangalore Ashram. First time that I was there on New Year’s eve. Welcoming 1st January in the abode J

v  The month of January brought in a beautiful gift – me becoming an Art of Living teacher after spending 21 beautiful days in Ashram J Came back to Delhi and organized and assisted a mega YES!+ course
v  February saw me working full time in welcoming the master in North campus in “Own the Future and the Present” J
v  March witnessed 10 day celebration of one of my closest friend’s marriage and thereafter taking 2 back to back YES!+ courses for the first time!
v  April – May passed in a freelancing project and taking YES!+ courses. Was fortunate to develop Shalimar Bagh/ Ashok Vihar area for YES!+.
v  June made me visit my abode again in Bangalore for an advance course with my cutest kids 
v  July made me venture into a full time job again along with managing YES!+
v  August made me realize that it’s better to work for full money or quit. I chose latter and enjoyed sewa yet again J
v  September gave me a much needed reprieve with an official Udaipur Trip which turned out to be a 1 week vacation!
v  October was one of the best months. A beautiful YES!+ course in Keshavpuram…followed by beautiful birthday celebrations..followed by a lovely YES!+ DSN.
v  November was a laid back month with and the toughest of the lot J And made me change my mind on a crucial aspect.
v  December is mid way. It gave me the most beautiful gift!! J Looking forward to 18th December. Let’s see what’s more in store!
I haven’t shared my experiences and learnings though. They can’t be captured in few words. TTC (Teacher training course) made me evolve as a person and made me really understand the depth of spirituality. I would say it made me a better person J. The beauty of this year has been that despite all odds, I maintained my smile. Earlier, I wanted people to understand me. Now I was content with myself if I understood myself even though people didn't.  I was able to take criticism with open arms and in a good way. I came to accept the fact that not all will like you in the world despite your best efforts J I readily accepted people going away as thy will J…and embrace the new ones!

In the end, his year made me feel more like ME! More like a self empowered woman! The beauty of being a girl..falling in love..having finest of friends…the cutest of students…the smartest of the teachers…and the greatest of the masters! 

The journey is still on. I know I have a lot to work upon. And I will in the coming time J

Keep Smiling J

Reflection 2012 Reflection 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 Rating: 5

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