#AskSriSri @TwitterTown Hall !
An Intimate Note to the Sincere Tweeter :)
When I first heard of this, it sounded nice. And when i saw the promo video ( you can check it out here) , it seemed even better!
The event turned out to be super duper amazing full of wisdom and insights. To give a brief background if your are reading this post and don't have much idea about it (Silly you! get an idea! :P) , in the event, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a renowned spiritual leader & global humanitarian was asked thousands of questions through tweets. Tweeples could ask their questions using the hastag #AskSriSri which kept pouring in throughout the week and Sri Sri answered selected ones at the Twitter TownHall today (Feb 23rd) at 10:30 pm IST. It was aired LIVE on The News Channel Times Now. Log on to http://srisritownhall.artofliving.org/
Sri Sri was asked questions on varied topics ranging from relationships, studies, meditation, social evils, society to politics and elections. Over 70,000 tweets and 114 countries participated,
viewers from 93 countries and over 6000 cities participated!! Just few hours before the event , the stats showed something like this. #AskSriSri was trending at No.2 in India on twitter trends !
Though I couldn't watch the web telecast or the Times Now coverage on TV, this is what I came to know through the tweets on twitter. The sanctity of the tweets can be assumed since many tweeples said the same thing quite a few times in different ways from various parts of the country :) Also, the answers are completely HIS, I may have framed some questions so that answers seems apt for it :)
#AskSriSri: : Why aren't you following anyone on Twitter?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : I see the facebook, I use the twitter. There is no particular reason I don't follow anyone on twitter. Just a time management.
#AskSriSri: (Some question on his attire I guess)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : Whatever yogis do they do it 100%.Do not judge a person by his attire.One day I may change too & come in an entire new avtar
#AskSriSri: Should we vote for an individual or a party?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : It should be mixed. Local governance should consider local party . But for national issues, broaden your vision and see what's good for nation.
#AskSriSri: Why are there so many Gods in Hinduism?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why don’t u ask why are there so many different vegetables and animals? The divinity that loves diversity can be diverse as well.. That is the beauty of Indian, it is all encompassing. There is freedom of expression and concepts. But it is all one God in many forms.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Why don’t u ask why are there so many different vegetables and animals? The divinity that loves diversity can be diverse as well.. That is the beauty of Indian, it is all encompassing. There is freedom of expression and concepts. But it is all one God in many forms.
#AskSriSri: Why do saints have long hair?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yogis do anything 100%! Either they keep it or remove it all together. Maybe I’ll change my look completely someday.. Don’t judge a person by appearance their appearance.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yogis do anything 100%! Either they keep it or remove it all together. Maybe I’ll change my look completely someday.. Don’t judge a person by appearance their appearance.
#AskSriSri: Did you plan to become a Guru?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Becoming a Guru happened to me by default.. I never planned it.. Things kept happening..!!
#AskSriSri : How to be in the present moment?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Plan for future, at the same time, be in the present! Even planning for the future happens and the present only!
#AskSriSri : Your views on Marriage.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Marriage is an important institution. Somebody married that is why you are here!. Growing in marriage is growing in responsibility, taking responsibility. And Love and responsibility go together.
#AskSriSri : ( Some question on he taking offs I guess)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I do not need to run away from people as I do not do anything that's not in my nature. I take day off every day few mins,when I go deep in myself, few mins of meditation.5 days in a year, I take silence
#AskSriSri : What are the essentials for happiness?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 1. Clarity of mind 2. Purity of heart 3. Sincerity of efforts. These 3 things will make us feel happy.
#AskSriSri : When will you retire?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When I get tired i will retire. At the moment I am not tired at all
#AskSriSri : Did God create Man or Man create God?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: God created man; and Man created God. Man created different concepts, different stories about God.Time and again ask yourself "Who am I?"
#AskSriSri : How do I get people to listen to
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Drop this trying. Be authentic and be natural in your expression
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: when you have done your 100%. You will know inside when you have done all you can
My heart pains when I see the
amount of pain in the Middle East. But v should not loose hope On #AskSriSri
Never doubt your own goodness.
You can never be a bad parent. Just be yourself. On #AskSriSri
You don't need to become old to become mature ! On #AskSriSri
Keep Smiling :)
#AskSriSri @TwitterTown Hall !
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, February 24, 2014

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