Apki baar Modi Sarkar!
Someone posted this post on Facebook and i really liked it. Talks about things I would have wanted to share , that too in a crisp manner. If you GK is poor, AK here means Arvind Kejriwal.
- Ak said he will not join politics,but he did
- Ak said he will not give or take support from congress/bjp but he did (corruption- taking wrong favor to do the task)
- Ak said if i win, i will waive off electricity bill of people who support my revolution- Corruption openly
- AK said he will not become CM but he did
- Ak said he will not take govt residence,but he did
- Ak said he will not take security but he did
- Ak said he will have public meetings regularly, but he didn't
- Ak said he will make contractual teachers permanent,but he didn't
- Ak said he has 750 page evidence against sheila,but he didnt
- Ak said he will reduce electricity price 50% ,he didn't instead my bill increased
- Ak said he will not give seat to people who have any charges on them,but he did
- Ak gave unnecessary favor to people who were with him in his revolution from public money, (which is actually still pending btw)
AK says tells journalist not to show that he is against business,else all business community will become anti - Krantikari bahut hi krantikari
AK tells Gujarat ,no development- which is a white lie. I have personally been visiting to cities and villages of gujarat and see lot of transformation in the last 5 years far more than any other place in India.
We saw Modi's commitment towards people of Gujarat at the time of uttarakhand tragedy
Ak used chartered plane its fine,when modi uses he becomes agent of Adani
Ak says there is no modi wave on screen and says definitely there is modi wave off screen
AK says Modi is communal, however he took all possible actions at riots and a lot of hindus also died.. the life of muslims in Gujarat is far better than any congress led state,
AK's leader says to do referendum in Kashmir people if they want to go to Pak, and you say modi will divide the nation
AK doesn't listen to Anna its fine, Modi doesn't listen to Advani,its a crime??
AK deny most of above points which we all have evidence and puts baseless charges on Modi being agent of Ambani or Adani
I don't say NDA is perfect, but i believe in given scenario, NDA will develop India much better than any other govt and damage India much less than any other govt.
NDA govt will not use the emotions of muslims just for votebank, they will give better infrastructure,growth opportunity,better standard of living,prosperity and security to every muslim,hindu or any religion because they don't work on dividing people on religions basis(divide and rule),they work for Unity and growth
AK himself supporting the people who bombed on parliament and says to keep criminals away from politics
AAp leaders themselves assaulted for Rape charges and says they will give women security - (so many Criminals)
If still we give vote to AAP ,they will again take support of congress,RJD,SP even if they swear on their children that they will not.
People may also call me agent of Ambani or Adani or modi but pls read above points.
Still not satisfied that you must vote for Modi? Read about his exemplary work in Gujarat
Watch these:
I would strongly suggest, request and recommend to vote for MODI this time!
Apki baar Modi Sarkar!
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, April 03, 2014

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