Tera Main 2014!
This is almost 15 days old story but since it happened on 13th May , it deserves a mention anyhow :)
I had been "planning" to go to Vrindavan with the Art Of Living folks since a long time. Special emphasis on planning since many a times I got a "yes" from people and cancelled the plan since some were missing. I wanted the whole gang to team up and come for this. But I was trying to shoot for the stars I guess. getting everyone to say a yes at the same time is a herculean task. I had taken an off from work for 13th May. I had no plan in mind, nothing to do the whole day but I just did not want to spend the day, waking up, getting ready for office, working , coming back and sleeping. I wanted it to be a day of things I love the most - Sadhna, Seva, Satsang :) And the originator of this all - Sri Sri !:) :)
C'mon! It was HIS Bday! it HAD to be a special day. Since last year, I've adjusted as per the life but to compromise for this day, NO WAY! So the leave was approved and i was still deciding what to do. On 12th night, we were making a plan for Vrindavan the next day early morning but nothing was finalized - neither the number of people nor how we would go. But before sleeping on 12th May, one thing for sure I knew was - I am going to Vrindavan next morning ANYHOW! I don't care how many people go, who goes or not but all I knew was I want to go to Krishna's Land on this holy day.
So next day after our Gita chanting class at 7.15 am, we were counting the numbers! Oh! It was chaotic! Someone dicey, someone saying a no, someone calling up at home for permission. By 8 am, final number came out. Now, next big thing - how to go? We could take 2 cars but real fun was in going in a single one. So luckily we arranged a Tempo Traveller. He said he would come in 15 mins and came in 45 minutes! But once we were in the Temp Traveller , it was endless fun! God knows what all crazy games we would have played. The few hours journey helped in exploring the "brahma" energy in us ! :D
But the key person or the central nod because of whom the plan saw the light of the day was Brijit Dighe. TTC (Teacher's Training Co-ordinator) at the Art of Living Bangalore Ashram. He is one of those few jolly , happy-go-lucky teachers I've met who are so humble and full of love and wisdom. :) At one point in time , you would see him talking high level knowledge and after a while you would see him shaking a leg on the latest beat! At one time he would talk about not being attached to anything and the next moment you will find a foodie in him! :)
The icing on the cake was meeting my love - Ria Tayal. She and I share an amazing chemistry! We have fought like cats and dogs, made fun of each others, cried together, laughed together and grown together on this path :) She went to her home town Jharkhand few years back and my smile says it all on how I felt meeting her :) :)
I had been "planning" to go to Vrindavan with the Art Of Living folks since a long time. Special emphasis on planning since many a times I got a "yes" from people and cancelled the plan since some were missing. I wanted the whole gang to team up and come for this. But I was trying to shoot for the stars I guess. getting everyone to say a yes at the same time is a herculean task. I had taken an off from work for 13th May. I had no plan in mind, nothing to do the whole day but I just did not want to spend the day, waking up, getting ready for office, working , coming back and sleeping. I wanted it to be a day of things I love the most - Sadhna, Seva, Satsang :) And the originator of this all - Sri Sri !:) :)
C'mon! It was HIS Bday! it HAD to be a special day. Since last year, I've adjusted as per the life but to compromise for this day, NO WAY! So the leave was approved and i was still deciding what to do. On 12th night, we were making a plan for Vrindavan the next day early morning but nothing was finalized - neither the number of people nor how we would go. But before sleeping on 12th May, one thing for sure I knew was - I am going to Vrindavan next morning ANYHOW! I don't care how many people go, who goes or not but all I knew was I want to go to Krishna's Land on this holy day.
So next day after our Gita chanting class at 7.15 am, we were counting the numbers! Oh! It was chaotic! Someone dicey, someone saying a no, someone calling up at home for permission. By 8 am, final number came out. Now, next big thing - how to go? We could take 2 cars but real fun was in going in a single one. So luckily we arranged a Tempo Traveller. He said he would come in 15 mins and came in 45 minutes! But once we were in the Temp Traveller , it was endless fun! God knows what all crazy games we would have played. The few hours journey helped in exploring the "brahma" energy in us ! :D

The icing on the cake was meeting my love - Ria Tayal. She and I share an amazing chemistry! We have fought like cats and dogs, made fun of each others, cried together, laughed together and grown together on this path :) She went to her home town Jharkhand few years back and my smile says it all on how I felt meeting her :) :)
The impromptu plan was fun! After coming back from Vrindavan, I straight away headed to take an Art of Living course in the evening and from there went to attend the Mega Satsang.
It was truly a day of the divine....for the divine and with the divine. I felt so content to have spent the day in his thoughts, in his service and in the company of truth. These days have become rare for me and I truly cherished each and every moment of it.
Thank you Guruji. I was thinking how compassionate my Guru is. Even on his own birthday, he thinks of giving joy to others and makes all the devotees soak in bliss! His return gift is truly spectacular!
My gratitude to my Master. I feel complete to have found you in life.
It is said " When the disciple is ready, the Master appears"
Keep Smiling :)
Tera Main 2014!
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, June 02, 2014

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