Aye Villain!
I am not very sure about which case applies - either I've started watching my kind of movies or it's just my perspective of looking at things has become like that. But after I'd written about Highway and Queen in earlier posts, I feel like writing about Ek Villain. Before watching it, I had not seen the trailers of this movie but I'd heard it was an average movie. But I still wanted to see this movie only for its song " Teri Galiyan" . The lyrics of the song are mesmerizing! Needless to say, there is a divinity in it :) This song reminds so beautifully of the Master.
Yahin doobe din mere
Yahin hote hain savere
Yahin marna aur jeena
Yahin Mandir aur Madeena... x2
Teri galiyan... galliyan teri, galliyan..
Mujhko bhaavein galiyan, teri galliyan
Teri galiyan...galiyaan teri, galliyan..
Yuhin tadpavein, galliyan teri, Galliyan...
Yahin hote hain savere
Yahin marna aur jeena
Yahin Mandir aur Madeena... x2
Teri galiyan... galliyan teri, galliyan..
Mujhko bhaavein galiyan, teri galliyan
Teri galiyan...galiyaan teri, galliyan..
Yuhin tadpavein, galliyan teri, Galliyan...
And when I saw the movie, I found it really nice. Hats off to Mohit Suri. There isn't much of a story line to go gaga about but its been made beautifully. Certain moments made me nostalgic . I mean to carry off a movie when in the first shot itself you are showing that shraddha Kappor dies IS something! And how Mohit has managed to make audience, atleast me, stick till the end, is commendable. And needless to say, Siddarth is superhot :)
But the BEST part of the movie is the song " Teri Galiyan". Ever since I've seen the movie, I've watched this song n number of times. Why? It makes me dream and believe in them too :) After watching it, I feel like writing down my wishlist and going on a spree to accomplish them. One of the them is of course Scuba Diving. I think I skipped a beat when she jumped into the deep sea. It was wow!
The snow..the butterfly...the graffitis..all brought back the dreamy Swati. I suddenly felt caged and found myself in shackles :( I so want to do these things in life..explore...go on adventures...be with nature...it may just be a movie but i am sure there are many who are living their dreams...i don't think i can explain to anyone in words but Highway, Queen and now this movie has touched a sensitive chord. It may sound selfish to seek your pleasure and happiness but I don't think one can make anyone happy by being sad. And my wishes and dreams are very simple in life...I want to see the world...want to explore the nature near the mountains...peep out of a moving car with trees on both sides and feel the fresh air...meet new people...diverse cultures..live few days on a bagpack :)
I really need few days of isolation amidst nature. I'd been thinking where can i go on a short weekend break, just me and my breath :) To even think of it is such a beautiful feeling!!..
Ek Villain is worth a watch once. I hope all dreamers will enjoy the song :)
Keep smiling
Swati :)
Aye Villain!
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, July 14, 2014

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