Friendship's Day party!


This was the name given to the Friendship day party by Subhav and Disha. This event deserves a post. The party may have been good and entertaining for the guests but the hosts- the volunteers who took the pain and the challenge of organizing it deserve a mention and also the funny incidents that happened all the way ;)

So a week before the party i.e. on 27th July we met. The meeting was to plan and brainstorm on how to organize the Happiness Program from 19th August in Shalimar Bagh. There were 4 people who had to compulsorily come. The funny part is that the ones who were the most excited and pushing for it turned up quite late. It was a hilarious sight ;) For me, specially. Our actions should speak louder than our words.  Anyhow, then we went to a nearby cafeteria (let me call the local food shop by a decent name;). I suggested to organize an event – a get together – a party. Now the question arose – When? We thought of 10th August but it was Rakshabandhan and later than that we did not want to organize. So Friendships Day was the best choice (3rd August).

But they just had roughly 7 days to manage everything, right from venue, decoration, stage, food, performances, music , invitations and what not. The best thing about these 4 volunteers was – they wanted it to be a “faddu” party.  So once the day and team was decided, the next obvious step was to form a Whatsapp group ;) I find it so funny and bugging too. For anything and everything, a whatsapp group is formed. People have started interacting more through messages than a personal call. In all the session, I’ve always told the volunteers that the power and the personal touch of a 1 minute call can never replace a whatsapp message. When I was full time into volunteering, there were no whatsapp. Only SMS or calls. It used to be beautiful.

Btw, then as usual they divided the responsibilities among themselves.  But whenever a sankalpa is taken, the Guru throws challenges to cope up and live the knowledge. The first one came the very next day :D Disha, who was supposed to think of games and activities and do other crucial stuff, messaged saying a sorry that she can’t be part of the organizing team.( Again through a whatsapp message ;) I tried to understand and convince but failed. I felt weak for few minutes since during weekdays I don’t get much time to manage these things. I wasn’t left with much choice. So I accepted it and left it to Guruji.  There was no irritation for Disha, no Oh-how-it-will-happen moments too. I personally was doing it with a good intention and giving my 100% so I was at peace.  So the next day rest of the 3 were supposed to meet and the first Guru story happened. Disha’s mind had changed :) She was more pepped up and willing to organize it in full throttle. Yet again, I realized the power of acceptance :)

 Organizing this event was utterly chaotic. With some taking full responsibility and doing well what they promised. And with some with the attitude “ Ho jayega! Ho Jayega!” and goofing it up till the last minute ;) But opposites are complementary and add beauty to each other. Definitely the former one feels more frustrated. Hehe.

And on the event day, it was a sight. Let me be honest now, the anchoring script was not ready and even 30 minutes before the party, games and activities were not decided. Lols. Plus since people had to give the ticket money (Rs. 200) on the spot, there were chances that some guests would back out which did happen (Poor they! Missed out so much fun!). We had incurred expenses banking on certain number of the gathering and a number less than that would have costed us much. 

The party was to start at 5 pm and till 6 pm, there were only 10 people..Hehe….I smiled inside, took it as my Master’s Play, said “Jai Guru Dev” and started the show. I was the anchor and I had prepared nothing. I don’t remember what all I said and did at that moment but I do remember that everyone enjoyed. The party fever just went up and up. Everyone was on a high, naturally. This party had no Non Veg, no Alcohol, no Hookah but it was one crazy party! The planned performances were wonderful but the impromptu ones were the best ones ;) Harry’s performance on “Maar Daala” and Prabhdeep’s on “Pink Lips” . Lols.  The games were all messed up, the music was bad at times but still everyone enjoyed everything!! And had a gala time.  I personally enjoyed each moment.

This is the sheer grace of the Master. When something is done with a good intention, with a sewa in mind, the grace helps and the nature supports. My guru is so compassionate. He made everything turn out so well despite so many flaws. And the beauty is that he is the reason for so many people becoming friends. It’s HIS beautiful HAPPINESS program through which people not only find happiness within, they end up making friends for life.

Feeling proud and grateful. Well done Arpit, Subhav, DIsha, Gauri and Lala. And now all the more determined to spread the Happiness further in the next happiness workshop in Shalimar Bagh. :) So those reading this post and living in Delhi, do send in your friends and foes on 19th August at BK 90 Shalimar Bagh, either for the 6 am – 9 am batch or 6 pm – 9 pm batch.

Jai Guru Dev! :)
A Belated happy Friendships day and ad advance Rakshabandhan ;) 

PS: More pics of the party are here
Friendship's Day party! Friendship's Day party! Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, August 08, 2014 Rating: 5

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