Job is a Love-Hate Relationship
In my
earlier post, I had mentioned about Avishkaar Box. My Avishkaar journey is really close to my heart. Sri Sri's new year message said " Take the learning from the events and drop the emotions". I
have been putting in my best efforts to apply this knowledge w.r.t to Avishkaar Box. I haven't been successful 100% so far but efforts are on :) So you may find drops of emotions in this post here and there :)
I've always felt a good job is like a love-hate
relationship. There are different phases.
1. Initially when the
relationship starts, a lot of time is taken to decide whether you want to get
into it or not. There are initial hiccups whether it would work out or it the same kind that I am thinking..the careful baby steps… :)
2. Then the
phase when a comfort starts coming in…you start settling in,
enjoying it thoroughly, it’s the most beautiful phase, the “honeymoon” period :D
everything seems hunky dory…you surrender yourself to it and are willing to go
to any extent to make things do everything that relationship demands.
4. And if things don’t get sorted, you finally decide it’s time to move out. It’s hard, very hard to take that step considering all the good times you’ve had. But you know it’s good for both. You are not happy together. Things are just not working out. You will miss the relationship immensely but are killing yourself being into it. And with a heavy heart, you call it quit.
Keep Smiling
Swati :)
Job is a Love-Hate Relationship
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, January 03, 2015

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