WHO AM I? by Sri Sri
I got it as a whatsapp message. But found it too lengthy to be shared on whatsapp or email. But it is awesome if you can manage to retain your attention till the end :) I would suggest to read it in bit and pieces to absorb well. That's what I did :)
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji at Singapore !!
When u go to a New place what u do?
U give introduction right?
Who u are, where u from? Which city ! Right?
lets take it little with a wider angle !!
And WHERE WE WILL BE? After This little Journey called Life !!
See this Hall will remain here for 500 yrs or 300 yrs may be !!
But none of the bodies sitting here will be there for that long !!
Our Span Here is very Short !! Our Shelf Life is very short compared to matter around you, Even the garments you are wearing have better shelf life than the body that is inside. DO you see what I am saying?
So sometime in life,once in a whilr just here nd there if u just put your thoughts on, 'What is my source? From where Did I come?. I have been here for 60- 50 -30 years, but where was I before that.
Did i Exist at all?beyond my current age?
Not because I m telling u to ask that but it should come as a genuine question from within'What is my Source'!!
Just a simple question ask yourself,
'What is my origin?'
Is this a good idea?
It could be Stimulating, it could be stunning,it could be absolutely confusing! I would say all 3 of them is Good
Just an inquiry , Sign of Intelligence is Inquiry !! Inquiry into where all of this has come from, what happened and where was all of this before.
When I was small, me and my sister would go for a walk with my parents, and we would ask our parents, 'Where did the clouds come from?' They didn't have any answer for that.
We used to ask them, 'Where is it going?' Because we would see that it is moving. It is a natural tendency in every child to ask questions.
Asking Questions is a Sign of Existence of faculty called Intellect!
It is from the faculty of the intellect that children ask questions. We should not shun children from asking questions. We should encourage them to ask more questions.
Sometimes just if they can ask the question satisfies them. Sometimes it does not matter what you answer.
A child asks a mother, 'Mummy where did this baby come from'.
No matter what the parent says, the children seem satisfied.
Actually every child is testing you. Aren't they? They are testing your intelligence, your common sense and your knowledge. This spirit of inquiry that we are born with we must carry that on all our life, and that is what science is also.
Science is, 'What is this?' 'How did it happen?' And Spirituality is, 'Who am I?' 'Where have I come from?'
No knowledge is complete without the subject and object.
The relationship between these two is so intense. So close. One cannot exist without the other. That is the field of knowledge. So understanding both is wisdom, i.e., spirituality and science. Spiritual quest cannot progress an inch without a scientific temper.
So coming back to the questions: Where did you come from? Have you every thought about this..?Where did you exist before you came here. This is a journey into the mystic realm, which become so real, as real as you talking to a friend.
I tell you, we should not exit from this world without finding out who we are ,where we came from?
This very spirit of inquiry takes us to another dimension which is free from depression, worry and all other sort of mental lack.
The side effect of spiritual enquiry is confidence, intuition and happiness.
Mysticism is not doing some strange things, such as walking on fire or standing on one leg. It is just an enquiry of the source.
Someone asked me, where do thoughts come from?
I said, 'you get thoughts?'
He said, 'Yes'.
I said, 'Then find out! It is well within your reach'.
This is a sign of intelligence.
The second sign of intelligence is not to say anything until a question is asked. Of course, this is when you are in difficulty. When you are in problem, keeping quiet is better than talking.
We keep asking people questions which are very futile. Someone is sick in the hospital, you ask, 'Hey how are you?'
And then they say, 'I am okay!'
If they are okay then why are they in the hospital?
These questions and these answers mean very little. The real question is, 'What is my origin?'
As I said, this leads into three states:
Confusion: It transports us to another dimension of existence where we can get rid of depression just like that.
Every event that you experience in your life, has some meaning. It is a result or an effect of something that is in the past. When you are the cause and effect of the events around you, you become so peaceful.
So when you see the cause of the effect that you are experiencing in your life, what happens to you? You become peaceful! You accept the situation and then there is no agitation and no questioning. There is no anger because you know that this thing that I am experiencing today is because of what I did yesterday. So you accept and move on.
When you sit and wonder why did this happen, why did that happen, then that is no good. So think of the origin. You may not get an answer right away. Not tomorrow or for another few years, but the journey that it kicks of will yield you enormous results, more than you can dream of.
See, we are made up of both, of something that changes and something that does not change. See a picture of you that has been taken a few years back, is it the same? No!
We know that the body is constantly changing. Similarly our thoughts change and our emotions change. How do we know that something is changing? That is because there is something that is not changing and that is why you say, I am the one who went to school and went to college and now I am here.
This something that does not change, is very interesting because it expands and it contracts.
If someone compliments you, what happens? You expand. When someone insults you, what happens to you? You contract. Isn't it. What is this something that expands and contracts. So what is this something that expands and contracts.
How would it be if you could have control over this something that expands and contracts and not allow it to be controlled by another's words?
Wouldn't it be great it you could be in control of your own happiness?
That is what is meditation!
So there is something in you which is the same throughout life, which expands and contracts, which is not very tangible, which is what you are.
So coming back to the same questions, what is your origin? And where will you go after you leave the body?
Bhanu sang a song, nothing can burn this, nothing can wet this.
This does not die with death.
Can do destroy air?
You can destroy a pot but can you destroy the air inside a pot?
No! This is what we are!
Are you all here?
Someone asked, how come when I am in a philosophical talk I feeling sleeping.
Then someone said, these talks are like a bed of roses, it gives you inner comfort and so you can fall asleep.
So, once in a while, take a walk and ask yourself:
What am i?
Who am I to myself?
What do I want?
I see that everyone lives for a short period on this planet. But who am I. What do I want? These questions will elevate our life to another level, to another dimension and I tell you life begins then. The you see that life is eternal, it is not just a few roles that we play. Then something clicks, that yeah, we have come here on this planet so many times. I know it just you don't know. But you can know that is why I am telling you inquire about your source.
All the chaos that happens around you is just to keep you one your toes.
I like some chaos, it adds some thrill to life. Everybody gets onto their toes. If you sit back and watch, it is so much fun.
All this chaos adds fun to life. So if you see every event in life from a bigger perspective, you see that it is all fun.
And worth having in life.
We live like paupers sitting on a treasure. We have treasures of lifetimes with us, but we are crying, wailing and moaning for nothing. if there is anything that can uplift you from misery, sorrow and disgust, is this knowledge of our origin.
Just imagine, we are all going to die in another ten days. Then on whom are you going to be jealous towards,who are you going to be angry on?
Everything that u own will be left behind over here.
The small mind which is irritating us everyday, suddenly loses our grip over our life and we start smiling.
That is something that has the brilliance of a million suns, that is the source of happiness, that consciousness which is more real than the real, let it inspire my intellect.
By this truth and what is truth, truth is that which does not change with time.
The body is not true, because it changes. That which does not change is the truth and that is the basis and into that let my intellect soak and that is what is meditation.
WHO AM I? by Sri Sri
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, April 04, 2015

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