Navratri 2015 at Bangalore Ashram - Part I
Sri Sri in Satsang
Art of Living International Ashram, Bangalore
October 17th, 2015
"Close your eyes for a minute and then look at your own mind. Does your mind have eyes, ears, nose, mouth or anything? No, it doesn’t have. But mind is there, but it does not have eyes, nose or anything. Now just put your attention on your mind which is just energy. You may open your eyes. You see the mind has got no eyes, no nose, no mouth, nothing. But when the consciousness is like a pillar in your body. This is knowledge. When knowledge awakens inside you, your consciousness becomes like a pillar. One a solid energy around you, like a pillar."
"Padmasan is the lotus pose, which means, as light as lotus. Your body should feel like a flower. As our consciousness gets uplifted, moves upwards, our body feels like a flower and a fully blossomed flower.. But you should not try hard (to imagine) Dharana should be taken only for 5 seconds and then drop it. That is Dharana. “deshbandhu chitasya dharana” – in one spot, you take one idea and then you let go. You are not trying, is it a white lotus or a red lotus, how big is it, all this becomes imagination. There is a difference between an imagination and an intention. Intention is just intention, just a lotus, that’s it.. So as energy keeps moving up, you will find each part your body becoming lighter and starts blossoming. It’s amazingly scientific! Now the energy is like a pillar, that is knowledge and in Bhakti or devotion, what is happening? The energy is like a ball. Our consciousness is like a ball, it bends down. “Aha” is bending down. IN all the traditions of the world, the moment you say devotion, the moment you say love, there is something that is bending in the consciousness. Why do you bend? When the body bends, the consciousness also bends, like a sphere… When you bend then what happens? The energy is like a ball. That is love. So love makes you bend and knowledge makes you upright and straight. Life is a combination of both these. And one follows the other. Bowing dawn is a sign of completion, fullness.. Whether your body bends or not is secondary but when the mind completely bends and becomes a ball, the mind gets back to itself. "
"So when the pillar of energy is broken, that is when you dong feel good, you will something in the heart, stomach, head region. When energy is complete, then you have confidence, you feel good. When there is a dent in the energy, somewhere you don’t feel good."
"Durga has nine names , First we call Shailaputri, Shaila means the peak. How they have called Durga as the daughter of the peak, this is very interesting. When the energy is it peak only then you can notice recognize understand the pure consciousness, the Devi before that you cannot understand Because its born out of the peak, Peak of any experience , any peak. If you are hundred percent angry then that anger, see how it consumes your whole body , 100 percent anything that consumes your whole being that is when durga is really born.
You cannot say I know it because it is infinite, the moment you know it, it becomes finite and you cannot say I don’t know it because it there , How can you not know? Can you say I don’t know my hand. Your hand is right there. So it is there so you know it , and it is infinite so you don’t know it. You know it and you don’t know it , together , are you confused enough? Laughter
So That’s why if someone asked you, you have to keep quiet, people who know it just keep quiet because if I say I don’t know I am totally wrong , if I say I know then I am limiting that knowing through word through intellect. Do you see what I am saying , because it is infinity, infinity cannot be comprehended or contained . Knowing means containing . Can you contain infinity , if you contain it is no more infinity. So it is infinity, so brahamacharini is one who is present in the infinity, moving in the infinity. Not stagnant but moving in the infinity .This is very very important thing to say, one is movement another is presence, Brahamacharya means not keeping in small things not indulging in part but in the whole. Celibacy is also called brahamacharya because in that you are dealing in the whole not in parts . Whereas lust is in parts, lust is only localized movement of consciousness so bramacharini is the consciousness which is all pervading.
Third name is Chandraghanta . Usually we fight with our own mind, All negative thoughts come in our mind , jealousy comes hatred comes . and you start struggling to get rid of them and clean your mind I am telling you its not going to happen. You can not get rid of your mind . The other day somebody sent an sms of a small child first time discovers its own shadow and she is so scared and she keeps running screaming and the light comes on the back side so the shadow falls in the front. Now she don’t know where to go, she saw a shadow in the back and now she sees it in the front and she falls down, she says I am helpless. So you cannot run away from your own mind . wherever you run , you run to himalayas your mind will run with you, its like your shadow and you are troubled mostly by your own mind its getting troubled by your own shadow like that little girl . Scared of one's own mind, one's own shadow and you try to wash this , do this that .. everything works for a little while and then back to square one. How many of you agree with all this note . Of course, pranayama and kriya and everything is a very big help to get rid of .. but still the mind comes , and when that mind is accepted like a sound of a bell , sound of a bell is one it cannot be many . It can only make one sound . like that one sound in the mind amidst all the shadows , all the chaos gives rise to the divine Shakti and that is the chandraghanta , and her name is the bell and the moon .
The fourth is the pumpkin , The fourth name of mother divine is khusmanda ,khushmanda means what , pumpkin . you call anyone you are pumpkin that’s it, you had it but divine has a different connotation , you can call it pumpkin. What is pumpkin? pumpkin has the unique quality of absorbing prana and radiating prana, its most pranic vegetable on the planet, in India the people when they find pumpkin they used to give the pumpkin to Brahmins , or the intellectuals in villages they used to do that means its fit for them because they work more on brain.
Also in Ayurveda there is something called as kusmandya rasayana. For brain, tonic made out of pumpkin ,they make a paste , rasayana , a gam in which the main ingredient is the pumpkin and that’s called kusmandya rasayana.
So if your brain is being used a lot, kushmand rasayana is for you . I don’t know do we use it here , do we have it in sri sri Ayurveda ? We have . Pumpkin has lot of prana , The cosmic Sphere is called kushmanda where small and big exist together. ku means small ish means energy and anda means cosmic globe, from the small to the vast cosmic egg of the universe the energy is existing. From the big it becomes small,from the small it becomes big. From the seed it becomes huge and from the fruit it becomes seed again ,like that the energy our consciousness has this unique quality of being the smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest that is explained by kushmanda.
So There is a story, I don’t know whether you have heard this . A gentle man was walking around , he was tired , he saw a big banayan tree , he was resting there. A little distance from him he saw in this thin creeper, a big pumpkin was there and he looked up there were little little fruits of banayan tree . This man said What is this. God should have had some brains , this big tree , he should have given that big pumpkin in the big tree and this thin wine has such big fruit , he doesn’t seem to have brains , he was thinking like this and then he just slipped into a sleep there, you know when people think a lot on a hot sunny day they fall asleep and at that time one fruit fell on his head from the tree, one little fruit! He just shook you know, when it falls from the height it really hurts. So he woke up and said oh yeah no no! God has brains , If it was pumpkin that would have fallen on my head, what would have happened! So god knows what to do where to keep what to keep .So he prayed and thanked and left. The prayer turns you into a pumpkin , kushmanda, full of energy and is spherical The whole universe is a huge cosmic egg , cosmic pumpkin. The people who are vegetarian they don’t like to call it egg so we call it pumpkin.
Navratri 2015 at Bangalore Ashram - Part I
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, October 17, 2015

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