Seeing the Sunrise
Sometimes when I feel bogged down
by the mundane and material life, nature is my best solace. I go up the terrace
and when I look up , the sky murmurs to me, ‘Swati, One day you shall be here. Life is
temporary.It’s all going to end.” It helps me see life from a bigger
perspective. Or at-least make a furtive attempt sometimes. And in this attempt. I end up deciphering the images
that clouds make in the sky. Have you tried it? It’s real fun:) I sometimes see an "Om" written, sometimes a face, sometimes a reindeer, sometimes a lion. My imagination knows no bounds and I amaze myself with what all I come up
with! "Swati, you are ignoramus!” I say , THAT moment.
Winters have kicked in making me a bit lazy. But today I woke up early, went to the terrace and was delighted to see that Sun
was about to rise. I don’t know how I managed to record this but I feel so
happy to see this video again and again. How beautifully the sun unwrapped
itself from the clouds and started radiating. Such a panoramic view! It seemed like the sky was opening its eye and saying Good Morning to me :)
I love to watch sunrises. It takes me into a trance state, speechless and wonder stuck. Sunrise, to me, act as a great reminder of the love and warmth of impeccable Mother Nature. It helps me self-reflect and appreciate the simple joys in life, also bringing in a hope that today will be a better day ^^. The best sunrise I have witnessed so far has been in the Samdunes in Jaisalmer about which I'd written here.
I pray that I get to witness many more such sunrises before it's too late...
Keep smiling!
Seeing the Sunrise
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, December 18, 2016

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