Burrday 2014!
I wrote this piece while waiting at a client site for 3 hours! In a way, thankful to them :)
yet another birthday passed by. Yes, I am going to join the gang of 30+ soon :) And that does make me feel a bit old :( but I console myself by justifying that
as we grow older, we tend to go closer to becoming a child. ( A 60+ seems to be
more like a child to me :P). But anyways, I feel young, hopefully look young
too ;) So I turned 29 on this 12th October. Yes, 29. (A rant on the comments people make
when you turn 29 will follow later). I
knew that Art of Living students and
volunteers especially Dimple will plan a surprise again like they did last year. And I was in no mood for any surprise. I came back to Delhi last Sunday
after 10 days of travel and needed a Sunday by myself. So to imagine people
coming in at 12 am or early morning to wish you was not something I was keen
on. And I tried my best to spoil their plan. The first thing that is done these
days to plan for a surprise is – to make a whatsapp group of the gang :D And I tried
to make one of the “surprise” gang members my ally to spy about the plan. Hehe.
I poured cold waters on their late night or early wishing plan. And felt really
proud of myself (Blush!). Since my birthday fell on a Sunday, I did the long Sudarshan
Kriya in Guruji’s voice in the morning. It was wow! To start my birthday with
it was like a precious gift. Then I went to a place ( a temple) where I’d been
going since childhood..a place where I used to converse with God..used to share
my problems..show my gratitude. Before Guruji entered my life, the devi in this
temple used to be my savior. She still is but now she’s sent me the physical
presence of a Master :) And to honestly confess, earlier I used
to go every month there but since past few years, my visits have decreased and though
don’t remember precisely, I may not have been there since a year :(
on my birthday, I thought of doing things which were pending and which I wanted
to do. After the kriya, I went to this temple and guess what! I got éclairs in
Prasad :) Guess divinity also knew it’s my
birthday and gave sweets:) The feeling was wow. When you know the
divine mother is hearing you, looking at you, talking to you, there is a
fullness that dawns in :)
And I came back home by 12 or so and wanted to rest and do some work. I thought I was successful in shooing away the bacha log. I had made a dinner plan with them so I though all is settled and I have good time for myself till 7 pm. But then these guys were sharp:) They banged in in the afternoon! And I was shocked! I seriously did not expect anyone to come in the heat. And since I never imagined they would, I was in my shorts and T Shirt! Hehe. They did not give me time to even dress up. They came , sprinkled rose petals ( for a moment I felt am I getting married?? ), put a garland and the crown and then the cake cutting ceremony. First 3 came and slowly and steadily others joined them. It was sweet of them to think of me so much and plan everything. Malvika made a card herself. Subhav got something beautiful made. More important than what they got me, I was overwhelmed by their gesture. It spoke volumes about how much they love me. At times I question myself , “ Do I really deserve it? It must be some good karmas”
And had a good time with these guys for few hours. After they went, I did another pending thing which is close to my heart – writing :). And my mother is so smart. She came and gifted me something which I had bought for myself few days back! Kitni kanjoos maa hai meri :P But she is adorable :)
pledge to write a post atleast once a week. There is so much to share, so many
events to jot down still. Oh! My Mumbai trip and meeting the beautiful people
there! In the next post!
Smiling J
Burrday 2014!
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

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