Guruji in female version - Bhanu Didi
Bhanu Didi – Guruji’s sister is such an inspiration. I did Guru Puja course in Art of Living Bangalore Ashram with her 2 years back. I had known about her but it was only during those 4 days did I realize that she is female version of Guruji TOTALLY
Even today, when i see her , it’s the same feeling. Over these years, being in the company of the Master, listening to him, serving him, I think she has become like HIM. I remember as a child when my cousins came from US, i really liked their accent and started speaking like them in a matter of few days. I was so much in awe. Well, that’s a pretty trivial example but this has such profound knowledge beneath it. When you think about someone you dislike , you remember and keep thinking about their negativity, manipulations, cynicism and so on. Similarly, when you have thoughts of someone you love, respect, honor, admire you remember everything good about them.
And you become what you think about the most! Even Kansa got liberated because he kept
hating and thinking of Krishna all his life! It’s simple. If a so called demon keeps thinking about an angel, then he or she develops angelic qualities. But if an angel keeps worrying about a demon..?
Who loses? Who is intelligent?
As you ponder away make sure you have more thoughts of people who uplift you, who keep you centered and who have always loved you unconditionally. Choose to see the roses over the thorns…there lies wisdom.
And this beautiful knowledge is reminding me to watch my thoughts. To be careful about whom I am thinking..shift it to Guruji. Think about Him and the world becomes blissful
Keep Smiling
PS: You can follow Bhanu Didi on Facebook for some interesting wisdom updates. Her Facebook Page link is here
Guruji in female version - Bhanu Didi
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, July 23, 2016

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