All that glitters is not gold
Happy Re-public Day! Another holiday, another day of posts on tricolors, of a lot of GIFs and barrage of patriotic messages on whatsapp. And Oh! I forgot #JaiHind and #VandeMataram hashtags too :)
Nevertheless who am I to judge or comment on Indians and their "love" for their country. I am no great a citizen either. But one good thing that I do ( and which I am really proud of) is that I NEVER throw litter on road. Never ever. I would carry it in my bag for a long distance till I find a dustbin or will get it back home to throw at its right place.
Nevertheless who am I to judge or comment on Indians and their "love" for their country. I am no great a citizen either. But one good thing that I do ( and which I am really proud of) is that I NEVER throw litter on road. Never ever. I would carry it in my bag for a long distance till I find a dustbin or will get it back home to throw at its right place.
Talking about litter, it reminds me of some who have it in their minds too :) I find it so amusing to see the care and concern people have for your well being. (Pun intended). I've become a person who talks less and minds her own business. And I adore people of the same mentality. So when people try and poke a nose in my life (despite me giving them signals not to), it irks. But then I feel grateful as well as such people help me to be more tolerant of the nonsense that this world has to offer.
So these poking-your-nose people "show" as if they are genuinely my friend and concerned for me but in reality, all they want are insights into my personal life as a fodder for gossip. I would call such people as "cheapsters" who find pleasure in such petty deeds. I would suggest in free time instead of going through others Facebook profile, please do some Bhajan and satsang. Take the name of God. I really pity such people. They forget the fact that Law of Karma exists.
Dedicating some lines for these "well wishers"
Dedicating some lines for these "well wishers"
This world is becoming a very strange place
strange people, stranger are their ways
Crookedness is replacing intelligence
Shrewdness supersedes diligence
The masks that people wear
Pretending Oh! You are so near and dear
But all they really want to hear
is some "gossip" for some future jeer
Such well-wishers are foes in disguise
Their own life are full of lies
Showing their "happiness" on Facebook
Fake it is if you take a deep look
But I am grateful to such people who have taught me that all that glitters is not gold. People who do sweet talks are definitely not your well-wishers. This Republic Day, I have pledged to have the freedom of choosing whom I want in my life as my well-wisher. Sweet talks won't impress me, kind deeds certainly will.
Let's all try and make this world a much better place to live in by being a little more compassionate and kind towards ourselves and others.
Hare Krishna
Jai Gurudev,
All that glitters is not gold
Reviewed by Unknown
Thursday, January 26, 2017

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