Key takeaways from Sandeep Maheshwari's Video : Part 1
Some years back, a friend told me about Sandeep Maheshwari and his excellent talks. My friend was in awe of him. And I was happy for her but to me it did not ring a bell in me that time. Some days back while surfing Youtube, I happened to listen to one of his talks and couldn't resist myself from going through some more! Since then I have been following and watching his videos :) I've seen a lot of Motivational videos but the best thing about this guy is his simple yet profound way of delivering it with sprinkles of wit and humor. And as he says, "Aasan hai!"
I felt like sharing a synopsis of his videos from now on. I am sure you may already know him and maybe it's me who's missed the bus :( Nevertheless, these posts will be a good repository for me to get back and rejuvenate.
Video Title : Stop Getting Distracted
Key Takeaways
- Purpose of life is explained in such a simple yet beautiful manner via examples. Do watch the video to understand. I won't be able to do justice to this by jotting it down in few words.
- In running a business, apply your intelligence. Education doesn’t help much.
On Achievements and
finding time for self and loved ones
- Giving 100% is not at the body level – it’s at the mind level. Understanding what is required to achieve success than mindlessly working for long hours.
- If giving 100% at the body level would make anyone successful then a rickshaw puller would have been the wealthiest.
- The rule of job is – if you are willing to work more, your boss would give you more work. But you may end up working for 14 hours at the same salary.
- If you do not have ego, you will be happy doing the greatest and the smallest things. You will not be dependent on anyone and will be tension free. By greatest, he means things which seem difficult or impossible and the smallest ones could be anything which we feel is a lower level job or not-my-types.
On Distractions/
Not being consistent in our efforts to achieve a goal
- Problem is – we look at our weakness or something that we did not do or where we failed in our efforts. We DO NOT focus on what we did or achieved, however minute it may be.
- Look at how things are better (because of your efforts) than what they used to be. And feel happy that at least you have been successful in doing something and making it better.
- When we are happy or we feel we have achieved something, automatically our body releases happy chemicals “dopamine”. And when we think we are looser or failure, negative chemicals get released in our body. Positive chemicals provide enthusiasm and energy and negative chemicals make us feel gloomy and low on action.
- Achievers are not the ones who are always successful or who do not get distracted. They go through failures and distractions like any normal human being but what makes them achiever is that they focus on what they have done or the small successes they achieved than focusing on failures.
Hope you liked his video. Besides being an excellent speaker, isn't he cute as well :)
Keep Smiling :)
Keep Smiling :)
Key takeaways from Sandeep Maheshwari's Video : Part 1
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, November 27, 2016

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