Smoggy Selfishness??
I am beginning to understand the dynamics of Facebook better now. My observations says it is more to do with the psychology of people than Facebook Insights and Analytics. I wouldn't like to share some of my observations here because they are quite amusing and non conforming to the ways of the world :) So i will stash them away deep in my heart.
But I shall share one interesting observation. By now we all know about Delhi's Smog. Rather we now also know about Beijing's smog ;). Various rounds of theories have been circulating across the Internet over the reason for this Smog- burning of Diwali crackers, burning of crops by farmers in adjoining states, low winds etc. etc . Government took its own sweet time to wake up and take action.
Amidst all this, all the net savvy peeps took full advantage and to be in sync with the "happenings", they started posting pics of the smog using weird hashtags, filing petitions online, showing "verbal" concerns and empathies as statuses , feelings and smileys over Facebook. This made me write this Fb status.
I mean seriously - aren't the residents of Delhi also responsible for Delhi's depleting state? If each resident starts taking responsibility of some mindful actions to save the environment, won't it make a change? But no , people have gotten use to evade the actionable part or rather action which requires them to change in any way. This status got 71 likes, 10 comments and 4 shares. Though I did not post it for numbers, I wasn't expecting this at all. This made me feel that there are many like me who think the same. I felt charged. But I was proved wrong.
In my next post, I shared the actions which can be taken up by a common man to alleviate the plight or at least will help in avoiding further damage. The list wasn't all inclusive and I had stated the ones which I personally felt were do'able. Alas! this status was liked by only 5 people and shared by 1.
Again, it isn't about numbers or popularity of my posts. I was disheartened to see the trend. Sensational news gets the maximum likes. Something which hits the bull's eye or resonates your thought process. But this is not followed by likes for solutions or actionable points.
We may cry Oh! Delhi is dying! Delhi is dying! But we are neither ready nor willing to do what it takes to keep it's breath on. This is sheer hypocrisy. Some people went off for vacation as soon as Delhi's air worsened while some were making plans for the same. If some family member is ill at home, do we leave him/her and go like this? Now I shall be told Be Practical Swati! Aise nahi hota. Parivar parivar hota hai..
Hah! All I feel and know is that together we can create a huge difference. If only people stop being so utterly selfish in pursuit of their pleasure and happiness and take baby steps to save Delhi, there is a hope else future seems bleak.
And now, like always, I shall shut my mouth, take a deep breath and murmur to myself. God, why did you make human so selfish? Keep Calm Swati, This is Kalyug. Accept it.
Spirituality is the only way. The only way.
Jai Guru Dev!
Smoggy Selfishness??
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, November 09, 2016

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