
FREE. That's the word I often say to myself. This post may not make sense to many. It may not make sense to myself also after a certain point in time but these are recurring thoughts and do have a meaning. 

The Malaysian plane incident has died down a slow death, like any other event. People heard, showed concern, prayed and peace prevailed. That's the reality of life and there is no denying it. But i have had a near death experience in childhood. So, to an extent, I can feel what is the state of the mind during those last few moments. However, neither am I an expert nor am I enlightened. I will speak from my own experience and views are entirely personal. I was asking one of the friend the other day whether the Malaysian incident made him realize the impermanence of life yet again? He said "Swati , chuck and chill. Live in the moment. This only brings stress. " I didn't say anything then but I thought ,"Stress?" No. It brings in awareness that we are just visitors. 

We may get entangled in our jobs, relationships, emotions, responsibility but at the end of the day, its all a play! A mere game. Even if you die, people will remember you for a while and then get busy in their work. Everything is for a short period. god has made such an amazing human body...which has its own mechanism...automated one...sleep, wake up, do errands, sleep again, wake up, do errands. We are a machine in God's workshop. 

But we, as humans, tend to take everything so seriously. Our life, our emotions, our work, our home.....sincerity is good but seriousness? I see so many stuck with emotions and people...the love has become limited to few people........and that gives rise to attachments.....the body has to go someday...and the last few minutes may be very torturous but to me, even imaginong them is bringing me closer to the divine...i am part of the divinity and i will dissolve into it...till then, i have to play my role in this whole play.....and the journey is beautiful and insightful....getting stuck with people and thing and the ordeal to come out...seeing the feeling of freeness going and letting it go because until it go, it wont come back fully!....the quagmire this world offers...the trap adulation brings in...the ego that comes with recognition...all this is a fad...each one has to go....might as well make it worth living.

This reminds me of my endless travel plans. < sigh> no scope till may end. I've always felt india is obsessed with the idea of marriage ( i will share my views in the next post) but if i get to explore the world by marrying, I am in! :)  ( though it's a distant reality in India)

P.S: i haven't checked what i've written. Went with it.....Freely! :)

Keep Smiling 
Swati :)
FreeLY! FreeLY! Reviewed by Unknown on Friday, April 04, 2014 Rating: 5

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