Happy Guru Purnima 2013
This beautiful knowledge sheet came as beautiful gift in my inbox and on this day I feel it's the right time! :)
There are three types of people who come to the Master:
1. The Student
2. The Disciple, and
3. The Devotee
A student goes to a teacher and learns something, gets some information and then he

Or sometimes, you ask someone, ‘Where is the station?’ they give you the information,
you take it and you say, ‘Well, thank you’, and there it is finished, isn’t it? You went to primary school, or middle school, you collected information; you learned
about computers, you learned about mathematics, and you learned how 2+1 is 3.
A student is one who collects information, but the information is not knowledge, it is not
wisdom. If just by having a lot of information, one’s life would change then it is not just
information. Or that information cannot effect a big change.

Students are all over, disciples are a few, but the devotees are rare.
It is nothing great to become God or be God. Whether you want or not, all of you are
already Gods. A stone is also God, you are also a God, and everything is God. There is
nothing great in wanting to become God because God is already there. But it is great to
become a devotee. Do you see this?
Everything, whether you want it or not is already God. But where love has flowered totally, that is a devotee. Attraction is everywhere, love is somewhere, but devotion is again rare.
Devotion is very beautiful.
A student comes to a Master, Teacher, or Guru with tears in his eyes, because there are
so many problems. And when he leaves, then also he is carrying tears in his eyes, but the
quality of the tear is different. It is of gratitude. Still tears flow, but they are of gratitude; of love. It is so beautiful to cry in love. One who has cried even once in love, knows the taste of what surrender is and what devotion is, and the entire creation rejoices it. The entire creation is longing for only one thing, transformed tears; from salty tears to sweet tears (of love).
One of Buddha’s disciples named Sariputra got enlightened. When he got enlightened,
Buddha told him, ‘Now you go ahead, go into the world and teach. Carry on my work’.
Now Sariputra left Buddha but he was crying and crying and crying. People asked him,
‘You are enlightened now, why are you crying?’ He said, ‘Who cares about this enlightenment, it could have waited. I didn’t even bother about it, neither did I ask for it. The joy of being at the feet of Buddha was so great, being a devotee was so great that now I am missing it. I would have preferred that to this enlightenment’.
There is no separation, there is no difference, there is no distance, yet it has a different
flavor, a different joy. That is a devotee. A devotee will never fall, he cannot fall. There is no chance for it.
When Krishna was leaving his body, he spoke to Uddhava. With tears rolling out of
Krishna’s eyes, he said, ‘ These Gopis (refering to the group of cow herding girls famous for their unconditional devotion to Krishna), they are so beautiful. I can’t stand the
amount of devotion they have.’ He tells Uddhava, ‘You go and tell these devotees of mine that only they can free me of their gratitude, and of their love’. It is so beautiful that he rejoices. He says, ‘Go and tell them that I am not in heaven, I am not in temples, but where my devotees sing, I am right there’.
So devotion is something that can move even the rocks.
There once was a Zen Master who thought that he was enlightened. He went around
saying, ‘I am enlightened’. One day he happened to meet one of his Masters, and the Master gave him a puzzle called ‘koan’. The koan was ‘The statue has eyes, and tears roll down silently’. Hearing this the Zen Master was shaken and he said, ‘There is some depth in it’. Love is something that even the Divine rejoices in it. The infinity longs for you as much as you long for it. It is waiting to receive you. God is as anxious as you are to be near. So when a devotee flowers on this planet, God is very happy. That is why Guru Poornima is the day of the Devotee.
Like fatherhood and motherhood, there is Guru-hood. We all have to play Guru-hood
at least to somebody. We do play! Consciously or unconsciously you are all Guru to
somebody. You keep giving advices and guiding people, giving them loving care! You
all do this, but do it 100%, without expecting anything in return: that is living the Guru
There is no difference between the Divine, the Self and the Guru. They are all one.
Think of all the things to be grateful for and ask what you want for the future and bless
everyone. We receive so many blessings and we should also bless all those who are in
need. :)
Jai Guru Dev!
Happy Guru Purnima 2013
Reviewed by Unknown
Monday, July 22, 2013

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