#12DaysofGratitude : Day 1
Being positive and happy is life’s biggest blessing. No amount of money , no adulation , no relationship can even come close to a second. Anything and everything we do IS to be happy. But does material world really makes us happy? It does, temporarily.
So I
was thinking what REALLY makes us happy and content and be in our own happy space? And poof! my inner voice said, “Gratefulness”. And
that is so true! It is such a simple yet profound truth. When we keep on counting our blessings, who has time to brood or
sulk! The abundance feels more than the luck , the troubles seem minuscule in front of the grace.
So I’ve decided to start my #12DaysOfGratitude blogposts. Let me state it outrightly that this has a string of selfishness to it – it will make me regular at blogging and also help me keep my grumbling mind at bay. I've chosen the number as 12 because that's my birth date. Writing blogposts as per my year of birth would not have been possible in this lifetime :D
I know I am blessed. Everyone is in their own way. But
sometimes penning it down works as a great reminder and reinforcer. So here goes the first post!
I feel extremely grateful to have such a doting , selfless and sassy mother. Thank you god for giving me such a support system and guide. Must have been some good karmas of mine. She makes me believe in the beauty of love. Her faith in god makes me trust God and his plan. She makes me see the bright side of things always. Her courage, positivity and patience inspires me daily to be a better version of me.
I am amazed ( and sometimes ashamed as well) to see her selfless service for the family. If at all I die tomorrow, I am happy and content that she knows I love her :)
So I've started this series of 12 posts. i myself do not know what i am going to write each day but going with the flow is probably the best strategy.
Keep smiling :)
#12DaysofGratitude : Day 1
Reviewed by Unknown
Wednesday, January 04, 2017

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