#12DaysOfGratitude : Day 4
I was listening to Sri Sri's new year message for 2017
"Life is commitment. Life is celebration.
Life is caring (sewa).Life is wisdom.
Life is not there to be miserable or to make people miserable"
- Sri Sri
I felt utterly grateful to have a living master in my life. The ecstasy, the contentment, the fulfillment that I have experienced in HIS presence and because of him is inexplicable. Since 2009, my guru Sri Sri has given me so much. Beyond my capacity and capability.
Teri rehmaton mein kamin nahi,
Meri ethiyat mein dheel hain
And he is still benevolent and ever giving. Infact , I owe this blog completely to him as it is only after I did the Art of Living course did i start writing. Having a guru does not guarantee a lifetime of happiness , it is not a bed of roses. There are umpteen thorns of all magnitude and flavors. I always say this for him ,"Life with you is UNBEARABLE. But Life without you is UNIMAGINABLE " :)
Thank you Guruji for everything. I am recollecting all the wonderful moments spent in volunteering , meditating , training , mentoring , arguing and happily cribbing. haha!
This year, let my life revolve around wisdom, commitment, celebration and care (service) . That's my wish that I am throwing to the universe. C'mon, #LawOfAttraction, work for me! :)
#12DaysOfGratitude : Day 4
Reviewed by Unknown
Sunday, January 08, 2017

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