Udaipur Diaries - 2

I came back to delhi last week from Udaipur after week long trip! Though I had gone on official work and the original plan was to stay there till 2 months. But life has it’s own plan. The 8 days I stayed there were luxurious; at the same time very challenging and full of enriching experiences. My acceptance and patience were tested to the core. I had mentioned about the hotel extravagance in the last post here. In addition, the only things on my mind were eat.sleep.meditate.TV. Internet and in the midst of it …work ;)

It was a restful period. Lot of funny stories happened. First day at Udaipur I was thinking what to do! I wasn’t used to just chill days. But then I became habitual. One thing I would applaud myself for is the adaptability. I took each day as it came. Things were just not materializing on the work front. The college staff had a very causal attitude towards the entire project and kept dragging things. The 2-3 days holidays in between added to the agony. After 7 days of patient wait, my friend and I decided to put our foot down and go back. The decision though may sound easy, but it was not. We had our own expectation from this project. It was a lucrative one. But in life one has to take a stand. In chasing something rosy one should not let go of the beauty of the present. So we came back.

The whole week I stayed there, I learned to appreciate the differences all the more. My friend and I are poles part in terms of our daily routine thinking and attitude towards life. She is street smart and I am simple. She believes in giving an eye for an eye. I believe in forgetting. But we both shared amazing rapport because we gave each other that space to breathe. I learnt a lot from her- how to keep emotions aside in certain matters. After coming to Delhi, I realized a change in me – a good change. Perhaps that’s how it was meant to be.

The very feeling of “I AM BLESSED” brings acceptance and contentment. The 2 treasured jewels of life.

Keep Smiling :)
Udaipur Diaries - 2 Udaipur Diaries - 2 Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, October 03, 2012 Rating: 5

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