Happy Anniversary to me!

Today is 4th Jan 2014! A memorable day – a day of accomplishment. And only 2 people can understand my sentiments on this day – me and my Blog :) Oh my darling Blog, you are like a mirror to me. I know you feel the same as I do. So what’s special today? Well, today is the day when I complete my one year of full time job :). The happiness is not because a year is completed, the joy is that I have lived upto my commitment. Last year, Guruji told me to do a job and  I took a vow to work with BuildingBlocks for at least a year. Till last year, a full time job from 9.30 am to 7 pm from Monday to Saturday was not something I could bring myself to accept. I only wanted to do sewa in life. Job was something which I was happy doing as a freelancer.

It’s been sheer grace that has carried me through the year. Not to say that I have dragged a year – I have enjoyed each bit of it. The highs and the lows. I’ve given my best shot in this job. For me, it has been more than a job. It has been a journey of giving my 100%. Every time, I used to say to myself,” Swati do this job sincerely giving in your best so that when you go in front of Guruji, you can proudly say that Guruji, I am doing as you said.”  I’ve had amazing moments to cherish in the last one year, professionally. The joys of working in a startup are immense. At the same time, it is challenging. Travelling carrying a laptop and another bag in buses and crowded metros, in heat and cold, not been able to have food for prolonged hours, running from pillar to post like crazy, early morning working, targets, difficult team workers at times and lot more.

I know there are certain areas where I am really good and also certain areas where I really need to improve upon myself. I am an Art of Living Teacher and my intention is always to apply Guruji’s precious knowledge in daily life. It is a continuous journey – a teacher also cannot be expected to be perfect. The beauty of the spiritual knowledge is that it so vast and magnificent that some events alone cannot capture it. It is an unending journey till last breath.

There were several times when I felt like “WoW! This is the job for me!”  and then there were also times when I felt like ,”I don’t want to do this. It is suffocating!” But #SriSri says “Live your life on commitment, not feelings. Feelings change.” And this is I was able to do, by HIS grace :)

I will still work with them. I feel an association with them which is beyond the routine employee mode. I am extremely thankful to my Boss – Tarun Bhalla. He is gem of a person. The main reason of working and still sticking on with Building Blocks is his way of working. He is a person who walks the talk. We have our own share of disagreements and issues but he has been very accommodating and I admire his sensibilities. I have learnt a lot from him and he possesses lot many finer qualities which are still in seed form in me :) And gratitude to the Master…my love…my life…#SriSri…every time I think of you, my heart says, “Without you, where will I be?” I am able to breathe; I am able to survive only because I feel you by my side. You have held and guided me at each step. I don’ have words to express. This year, let me be of use in your work, make me an instrument of yours. Though I know I am, you know what I mean :)

I am missing doing my Master’s work. Next week has a lot in store. Time to soak in bliss :)

Keep Smiling

Happy Anniversary to me! Happy Anniversary to me! Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, January 04, 2014 Rating: 5

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