HoLy Monday Blues!

Happy Holi first. But I guess, for the first time, so far in life, I haven't played Holi. Not even a drop of herbal colour. Reason? I didn't feel like getting all messed up this time. Plus my back pain cropped up - that was the main reason actually. And then had office work. Yeah, seems like I am aging but Hey! watch out for me next year :) ( If I would be still alive)...no suicidal thoughts but you know life is uncertain :)

The Malaysian Plane incident once again has been reminding me of this. I've been really inquisitive to know what happened to it and have been checking the news every few hours. No, it isn't a gossip thing. I know there are 250 lives at stake there , leave aside the count that will come if we come to sum up each individual's family as well. When I think about the passengers, a question arises how would have they felt so up in the air with no connectivity and caged? I've taken flights and once my plane hovered above the Delhi airport for an hour since they were not getting the landing rights. The washroom was shut, I couldn't call my mother who was waiting outside and didn't know its delayed and no one could tell when it would land. I was damn hungry but had decided to eat once the plane would land. This added to my misery as well. Thankfully, after an hour it landed. But that 1 hour was an hour of anxiousness ( At that time I had not done the Art of Living program, so you can imagine my plight :)

But I know this incident is nothing compared to what has happened. But if for an hour I felt like that, I shudder to imagine what the passengers went through or are going through....Death is inevitable, agreed. But a slow death or a tumultuous time when the death is not certain is worse. Blessings and prayers for the passengers and their families. I. personally, wish that the mystery clouds be cleared soon. Not knowing things is worse. It doesn't let anyone accept anything.

Since last month, I thought of writing quite a lot of times but didn't. Blame it on the 2G connection! Aargh! I'd been using 3G data plan in my phone and connecting it to my laptop till last month. God knows the Baniya in me became alive and thought of going for a 2G unlimited plan to save money! Duh! That was a bad decision. It took ages to open a window and I had to view my gmail in HTML view! Lols.

Anyways, now I am back to 3G and would be writing in more...Hopefully :)

More in the next post. It would definitely be #Namo
Keep Smiling :)

HoLy Monday Blues! HoLy Monday Blues! Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, March 17, 2014 Rating: 5

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