Rajesh Jagasia - superb teacher!!

Today I met Rajesh Jagasia , Senior YES+ teacher. I'd heard a lot about him and never got a chance to meet him. Today I was among the fortunate ones :)

Off late, I had a lot of questions which perturbed my mind - how well grounded are the teachers in knowledge - do they follow what they preach - why do some teachers have the airs and feel they have "arrived at"??

Honestly , some thing in me pushed me to come all the way from Gurgaoin to North Delhi to meet him , on the other hand I wasn't expecting a WOW experience. And you always get what you least expect :)

I was spellbound!! I was laughing at his jokes , smiling at his simplicity , and totally soaked in the knowledge shared. For me , it was like an answer session for questions I had.

For me a teacher is someone who commands respect and doesn't demand one.He is, in true sense , a teacher.

Some snippets :

- What you cannot understand by Logic is faith
- Till the time you are able to move beyond events , you are bound to be miserable.
- To be able to swim in the outer world , you need to dive in the inner world

- Recognize your energy - Brahma / Vishnu /Mahesh and use it effectively for seva
- Incase you get bored of doing one particular seva , ask the teacher/s for some other seva.

-Sadhna , seva , satsang are your strengths. Honour them and respect them.

Keep Smiling :)
Rajesh Jagasia - superb teacher!! Rajesh Jagasia - superb teacher!! Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, February 08, 2010 Rating: 5

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