The Power of Intentions

This is a real life story of one my YES!+ student, which made me realize, yet again, the power of Sankalpa (Intention). It is said Intention – Attention – Manifestation. The first thing to do anything or to achieve anything is to have an Intent – come what may, I’m going to do my best and I wish so and so thing to happen. Then comes Action – doing things which are required to achieve the intention! AN intention, however pure or noble, if not translated into workable action plans yields no results. And After the action, come the manifestation stage, which is beyond our control. All if we can do is intend and act.

So this guy (my student) completed YES!+ and he wished to do the YES!++ ( advance course). The very next day, there were 12 of us going for advance course to Bangalore by Sleeper Class train. We had NO spare tickets but since he persisted, I agreed. 1 person could be easily adjusted na :D.  Delhi to Bangalore is 36 hours train journey. And in the scorching heat, I was skeptical who would like to share a berth with himJ. Now, look at the trail of events.

First sign of intention – 1 person backed out that very evening and we had a spare ticket!
Second – Train was at 6.45am and all were reaching by themselves when suddenly just by chance, I called him at 4.30 am for some work and realized he thought it’s in the evening at 6.45pm!! Still, he managed.

Third – He reached before us to the Railway station and I was wondering how. Few minutes later I realized he had reached New Delhi station where he was supposed to be at Nizammudin!! Still he managed.
Then series of funny incidents followed till we reached Bangalore Ashram. Things were going fine. He wanted 4 people sharing room but got dormitory where around 150 people stay! Still he was happy.A day before the advance course, there was a treasure hunt organized. As my dear student is a lazy and moody chap (I still love you J ), he was bunking and enjoying “Cheese Sandwich” when suddenly he had severe pain in his stomach. Luckily, there was somebody in that isolated place to take him to clinic. Ashram clinic injections and medicines couldn’t pacify the pain. (He is a jovial guy, had never seen him crying in such pain!). So after 2 hours of test and trials, he was taken to Apollo Hospital in the Bangalore city (which is an hour distance). The Ultrasound report detected a stone. Doctor gave 2 options – Surgery or temporary pain relief medicines.

I haven’t shared it with everyone so far but THAT day was a test of my faith. My students are dear to me and when they are with me, I take personal responsibility of them. I was shaken for once but then recovered only to realize it’s all a play of my guru J. If he has brought me to it, he will take me through it J

We came back and he got a  4people sharing room instantly! Next day we started with the advance course. For a day I reminded him of the medicines (remember he is lazy!) but as the silence started, everything was taken care of J

The crux is despite all the challenges; he was able to successfully complete the advance course. And a large chunk of the credit goes to his intention. A strong intention combined with your best effort is bound to yield results. So start keeping intentions and take actions. But do remember to drop them all when you sit for meditation J

Keep Smiling J
The Power of Intentions The Power of Intentions Reviewed by Unknown on Thursday, June 28, 2012 Rating: 5

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