21st Km @ Kanakpura

I did my first Art of Living YES+ course in Feb 2009. At first, YES+ didn’t ring a bell and I registered on the very last day on account of emotional torture by a friend (which I call convincing and now practice religiously). Nevertheless, the course was superb and I was (rather am) very thankful to my friend for the force applied!

After doing YES+, one also has the choice (errr blessing) to do the Advance course – a 3 day silence retreat. I liked YES+ but wasn’t keen on the advance course as I wasn’t sure of my mouth shutting capabilities till I met Bawa and Dinesh. For reasons yet unclear, I decided there and then that I am going to Bangalore Ashram for my first advance course!

So the ground was set, booking done and within 20 days after meeting Bawa and Dinesh, I landed in Ashram. Notwithstanding the tiresome and arduous journey (it took me 4 hours to reach Ashram from Bangalore airport), I entered with a new zest and fervor – as if the next few days were going to bring in a paradigm shift – a turning point.

I had a day all by myself before the course began, which I fully utilized in moving around the Ashram – enjoying the scenic beauty, serenity of the place, making new friends and just being so free!

Just like one has pre-marital jitters, I had pre-course jitters!! – wanted to run away, doubts were playing violin from all sides - what if I can’t keep numb, what if I am in a situation where I have no choice but to talk! What this, what that etc.. but somehow looking at the options I had, I thought it was best to go for the course and give my 100%.

So I plunged in and woho!! The 4 days of the course were truly amazing and enriching! One just gets to know oneself so better!! All through our lives, we tend to see ourselves from the eyes of others (I know many will not admit) , trying to be in line with the social norms with constant bombardment of thoughts and opinions , some we abide by some we defy. The experiences were manifold and just gave me the opportunity to apply whatever I’d learnt during YES+ (That’s the real beauty)

I would term the silence as inner talk, being with yourself and loving your own company.
Guruji says – “If you can’t enjoy your own company, imagine how boring you would be for others!”

After the advance course, there was just no looking back. I’ve found the real”ME” in myself and I am able to understand my thoughts and emotions in a much better manner now.

Summer Magic @Bangalore Ashram is back again..21st-29th June 2010. Needless to say, I am going again to spend quality time with myself. And I suggest all NOT TO MISS it! YES+ made you smile, YES++ will make you go crazy and spread the smiles to zillions!!

Keep Smiling :)
21st Km @ Kanakpura 21st Km @ Kanakpura Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, May 04, 2010 Rating: 5

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