Crazy days are on!

Crazy friends. Crazy Day. Yes! thats how the Sunday was. After so long, we all were together ( barring Nidhi). It's been ages that we all sat at someone's place. Long back we used to have night stays, lunches and dinners. meeting after so long in itself was a joy. Did crazy things..leg pulling, giggling, and wierd stuff. I think thats how the closest friends are! When I eneterd they were playing "Twister". It seemed a silly game but once I started playing, I found myself a part of the silly troop. It's an easy game but the fun lies in how you play it. With the kind of friends I have, you can't but just have fun! They will make a joke out of each and every thing. Some jokes are highly polluted or high level. You need our intelligence to understand and laugh at them ;)

With friends, it’s a different case. Personally with me, I’m nobody with them. All professional and personal status and recognition drops After becoming an Art of Living teacher, things have changed a bit in my life. No bragging meant, I do get adulation and praise and by grace get to heal people. There is a thin line of love and dignity. Loving everyone, at the same time maintaining the dignity. With my buddies, I’m the usual kind. Doing crazy things , talking nonsense, cracking silly jokes. It wasn’t just a Sunday, it became a “fun”day! J In the evening, I went to watch “Gangs of Vasupur -2”. I simply went ‘coz friends were going. Neither I’m a movie buff and esply. not action movies but any movie watched with a good company can be damn entertaining!

I think this time I've realized I’m not cut for a corporate consulting job. This time round when I started afresh after a hiatus of almost 2 years, I gave my 200% in the current role. And I KNOW I gave it. I don’t propagate bad mouthing but if a company falters on its commitment to pay the agreed salary and later makes amendments in your CTC, it’s just not done! I prefer being jobless than working for unethical people. All's cool. Only hitch I still need to recover my dues from them. Gosh! I’m in a mess. Let’s see how I’m gonna get out of it. But till the time the mind is sane, all izz well J

The Group Sadhna and Narad Bhakti Sutras sessions which were going on daily from 6 to 8.30 am since past 2 weeks have come to an end. Listening to such knowledge time and again elevates me. And I'm happy the newbies who were listening to it for the first time were able to sustain till the end. We started with a batch of 17 and ended with 8 people :)  I'm sure all gonna miss the morning sadhna for a while. All had got habitual and inculcating such habits is good :)

Rest Later
Keep Smiling :)
Crazy days are on! Crazy days are on! Reviewed by Unknown on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Rating: 5

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